Monday, November 29, 2010

Singing, Writing and Pictures

I was given the opportunity to shoot Jamie Wyatt yesterday. She is amazing, so beautiful I didn't have to work at making her look good. And such a wonderful spirit! She was willing to do almost anything, which started with braving the very cold wind out on the pier here in Ventura. She is recording her song Believe today and is destined to make it far!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Portraits at the Park

I am back in Phoenix for a whirlwind portrait weekend. Yesterday I got the opportunity to take pictures of three gorgeous girls, Sidra, Shiza, and Ayeshaw. They were so much fun! It was definitely not work being with them!

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Mom

This past week I was on break and able to go see my family in Phoenix, AZ. I had to shoot some portraits for homework and decided to shoot my mom. She is always taking care of us by making sure we eat correctly and enough, and she somehow maintains a good attitude about her permanent station in the kitchen. Since I can remember she has been there always cooking and allowing us to help. Mom time is in the kitchen. So, she is: